There are times when you will want data about students and there are a number of offices around campus that provide data.
You might have questions about the enrollment of courses you teach, courses in your department, courses in another department or college, enrollment patterns over time or any number of other ways to slice and dice student data. The Office of Institutional Planning and Research (OIPR) most likely has the information available on its website.
The Fact Book
A lot of useful information that can be accessed as excel files or there is an interactive version that is based in Tableau. OIPR also provides enrollment tracking information by term which includes information on Student Credit Hours (SCH), FTE (Full-Time-Equivalent), and Enrollment Headcount.
Course Management System
The Course Management System is part of the Daily Enrollment Tracking System and provides an in-depth look at enrollment headcount by department at the section level. For each term, these are updated daily from advanced registration through the end of the term. You can select any term from fall 2009 to the current term. After selecting a term, select Course Management System then you can see departmental data by clicking on your college and then choose from the list of departments. The link ( goes straight to Liberal Arts and Sciences for Fall of 2015.
Student Flow
There are a variety of other tools available like Student Flow, which allows users to compare student cohorts. There is also an even more advanced tool using Cognos, to examine student credit hours; the link is labeled the SCH cube.
Academic Advising
Our college provides headcount of CLAS majors and minor at the beginning of each fall and spring semesters. Those data are housed on the Academic Advising Center (AAC) website. You will need to request the role UF_N_ADV_UG_PROCEDURE from your DSA to gain access to these data.