UFApps makes Windows based software applications available to UF students on any computing device in almost any location with a reliable internet connection.
CLAS students have fully embraced the virtual technology and a growing number of faculty have found it dependable enough to incorporate into their coursework.
UFApps offers an extensive list of software, such as ArcGIS, SAS, StataSE, SPSS, ENVI and Matlab to name a few.
UFApps For Learning
Students of all CLAS disciplines can benefit from the service and are encouraged to check it out if they haven’t already. Every UF student should already have access using your Gatorlink login credentials. Please note that you will need to install a software plugin to use the service. The UFApps login page can be found at apps.ufl.edu
UFApps For Teaching
Faculty interested in incorporating UFApps into your coursework are encouraged to notify CLAS IT of your intent, especially for larger classes. Although the system is fairly robust and it was built to handle large numbers of users, each software package has a limited number of instances that can be used concurrently. It is recommended that you notify CLAS IT of your intent to use UFApps for your CLAS a semester in advance, so that we can work UFIT to ensure the proper number of licenses for all of UF, in addition to your class. Faculty interested in gaining access to UFApps for teaching purposes will need to submit a request to CLAS IT.
Departments interested in converting classrooms into BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) learning spaces will need to contact CLAS IT to schedule an assessment.