Zoom is a service available for UF faculty, students, and staff that allows for easy to use video conferencing, online meetings, and chats. This service has replaced the BigBlueButton (BBB) in e-Learning over the summer.
The previous version of Zoom that was available in e-Learning has been upgraded to Zoom Conferences, which provides more functionality to faculty and students. Faculty-created conferences will be automatically added to the course calendar with notifications to students regarding the conferences. Students will be able to use Zoom Conferences to create, join, record, or view recorded meetings within e-Learning.
Guides for using Zoom Conferences are available on the e-Learning website, https://elearning.ufl.edu/zoom/. Faculty that need assistance with any aspect of e-Learning may call (352-392-HELP/4357, option 3) or email the e-Learning Support group, learning-support@ufl.edu, at the UF Computing Help Desk.
Some courses that used BBB extensively may have to be adapted since group assignments in Zoom Conferences works differently. Step-by-step guides to transition to Zoom Conferences will be published on the UFIT Training website, https://training.it.ufl.edu/.