CLAS IT is using a modified version of the official UF WordPress Template. Use this theme reference for an explanation of advanced features including a list of shortcodes and other options.

Shortcode Usage

SubPage Peek

Usage: [subpage_peek options ]
Options: order='asc' orderby='menu_order' numpages='-1' hidethumb='false' removelinks='false' showfullcontent='false'
Description: This shortcode displays information about the current page’s subpages. This is helpful for landing style pages that do not have much information on them but have many subpages with information. An example of this shortcode can be seen here: Past Presidents – UF Office of the President.

Attachment List

Usage: [attachment-list options]
Options: filetype='pdf' showdesc='false' order='asc' orderby='name' showasdates='false' exclude=''
Description: This shortcode displays a list of attachments of the current post/page. This is useful for displaying links to documents such as PDF and Word DOC files. An example of this shortcode can be seen here: Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes. This example sets the showasdates option to true. This option assumes the last 8 digits of the file name before the extension are a timestamp, e.g. filename-20120927.pdf

Display Posts

Usage: [display-posts options]
Options: post_type='post' post_parent='false' id='false' tag='' category='' posts_per_page='10' order='DESC' orderby='date' include_date='false' dateformat='l, F jS, Y' include_excerpt='false' image_size='false' wrapper='ul' taxonomy='false' tax_term='false' tax_operator='IN'
Description: This shortcode displays a list of posts based on the options passed to it. This can be used to generate a list of posts from a specific tag or category, or to list the last 5 or 10 posts on your blog. An example of this shortcode can be seen under the Agendas heading here: Qualifications and Criteria Subcommittee – UF Presidential Search.


Usage: [one_half][/one_half], [one_half_last][/one_half_last]
Description: Create columns in your posts and pages. Options: one_half, one_third, two_third, one_fourth, three_fourth, one_fifth, two_fifth, three_fifth, four_fifth, one_sixth. See How to Add Columns to a Page.