Theme shortcodes and widgets can be added to any template, but most are designed to be used with the Landing Page Full Width page template.

There is a widget version and a shortcode version of each content element.

Adding theme elements using widgets

Widgets Example

Use the widget version to insert into the Page Sections sidebar.

  1. Visit to the page and click Customize in the admin toolbar
  2. Click Widgets, then Page Sections.
  3. Click the Add Widget button and select an option from the list.
  4. To save changes, click the Save and Publish Button and then the close button (X)

You can also go to Appearance > Widgets in the admin dashboard.

Adding theme elements using shortcodes

Use the shortcode version of the element to insert the element into the editor either visually or by typing in the shortcode manually.

Inserting the shortcode visually (Shortcode UI):

Shortcode UI Example

  1. Edit the page and make sure you’re viewing the Visual tab of the editor
  2. Click the Add Media button above the editor.
  3. Select Insert Post Element, then choose the option by name.
  4. Click the insert button when done choosing the settings.
  5. Update/Publish the page to save your changes.

To edit the shortcode, click the shortcode preview and then click the edit button.

To reorder the shortcode, you must switch to the Text tab and cut and paste to the desired location.

Manually inserting the shortcode (Text):

Shortcode Example

  1. Switch to the Text tab of the editor.
  2. Move your cursor to the desired location and enter in the shortcode values.
  3. You can switch back to the Visual tab to preview your changes.
  4. Update/Publish the page to save your changes.