CLAS IT Connections
Article Category: <span>Software</span>
Retiring Windows 7 and Upgrading to Windows 10

On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will officially end extended support for Windows 7. This means that bug fixes and patches will no longer be provided for machines running Windows 7. In order to accommodate this change and prevent security risks, UFIT will begin sending monthly warnings to all users running Windows 7 on their computers
Defender yes, Trend no

CLAS-IT is Removing Trend anti-Virus and enabling Windows Defender. Since we have really good tools for monitoring Malware activity using our desktop support tool, SCCM, we are moving forward with using the built in Microsoft program Windows Defender to keep CLAS Windows Systems safe from Malware. This change is being rolled out automatically and the
JAMF for Macs

What is JAMF? JAMF is an endpoint management solution that allows a central IT unit to manage Apple devices. What this means for Users is that we will now be able to better manage the University’s Assets moving forward. Currently we are able to push profiles that are used to keep in compliance with policies
Zoom Videoconferencing Software

The University of Florida has signed a license agreement to provide everyone at the university a pro license for the Zoom Video Conferencing Software. With Zoom, it’s easy to: Conduct simple online HD video and audio meetings Run on-the-fly or scheduled presentations with a prospective customer Perform live demonstrations in real time Collaborate on documents
Website Accessibility, Broken Links, and Quality Asssurance Reports from Siteimprove

What is Siteimprove? Siteimprove is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform contracted by The University of Florida. Siteimprove scans the University of Florida’s web resources and creates useful metrics and reports that help identify areas of improvement. It scans web pages, documents, and media files and compiles reports that can be accessed via monthly
Read more "Website Accessibility, Broken Links, and Quality Asssurance Reports from Siteimprove"
Say Goodbye to Bigfix
Say Goodbye to Bigfix UF and CLAS IT have moved away from Bigfix Endpoint Management for managing campus workstations. Instead, we are using OS specific software and patch management systems. For Windows systems the new system is Microsoft System Center, for Macs it is JAMF, and for Linux systems we are using Redhat Satellite. What
Rethinking Upgrades for Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a new way to manage and maintain the Windows operating system. Microsoft calls this new process “Windows as a Service” or WaaS.
CrashPlan: Avoiding a Costly Mistake

[While I was packing up my important documents before Hurricane Irma made landfall last week, one of the things I did not worry about was making a backup of the important files on my laptop. The reason is because I use CrashPlan, and I knew my important documents were safe and secure in the CrashPlan
CLAS and the Neverending Software Updates

Updates appear to be a never-ending thing. It seems that every time you sit down to work, Windows will prompt you to reboot for updates, or you’ll get a prompt to close your browser because there’s an update available.
Windows 10: What to Expect

There have been a few key improvements with Windows 10 from the previous versions and home users should expect a much smoother upgrade process.