CLAS IT uses a policy of “informed consent” when using your information. You should understand how CLAS IT uses the information you provide, and your right to approve the use of that information.
This document applies to faculty, staff, students, and other personnel associated with the University of Florida. Our Internet visitors should visit the University of Florida Internet Privacy Policy.
While using CLAS IT systems and services, you may be required to provide various information (name, UFID number, email address, departmental affiliation, and other contact information). This information will only be available to CLAS IT (a division of the UF CLAS Dean’s Office) and other UF IT organizations for daily administrative duties and to communicate with you. The information will not be redistributed to other agencies without notification.
Network Traffic
UF IT may monitor the volume and type of traffic. UF IT Information Security may monitor the content of traffic entering/leaving UF to identify compromised hosts in order to prevent the spread of malware.
CLAS IT reserves the right to remove any machine from the network if the device is compromised with malware, or we suspect the device is causing problems for other computers or users.
All electronic messages stored on UF-owned computers may be considered UF intellectual property.
CLAS IT does not monitor the contents of incoming or outgoing electronic messages. We normally do not examine the contents of any messages stored on the UF email system.
If a user contacts CLAS IT noting a problem with email, we may examine the message headers in order to trace the problem.
All public records requests must be made through the UF Public Records Center.
File Storage
All electronic documents stored on UF-owned computers may be considered UF intellectual property.
CLAS IT normally does not monitor the contents of user files stored on CLAS IT servers. CLAS IT may monitor the volume and type of files in order to provide better service to our departments, particularly if a unit is low on disk resources.
In the event of a system intrusion (aka “break-in”), we may be required to examine files that meet the attacker’s modus operandi. This includes suspiciously-named files, files created immediately following the intrusion, etc.
CLAS IT disk storage may be examined for content upon instruction by an administrative authority.
Termination of Account
Access to CLAS and other IT resources, including server storage, Teams and SharePoint sites, Microsoft (and other) Licensing, WiFi, and email is controlled through the Service Eligibility of your GatorLink account.
In the event that an individual leaves CLAS, all of their personal information and files will be removed from CLAS servers. Files that were created or modified by a departing employee that are stored on CLAS servers may be transferred to a supervisor upon request of the department.
- Links to other sites – Parts of the CLAS web site may link to other web sites, or to CLAS IT personal web sites (people.clas.ufl.edu). CLAS IT does not have any involvement or liability for the contents of such sites.
- Legal Uses – You agree to use information contained on CLAS web sites only for legal purposes.
- Modification of terms – The University of Florida and/or the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences may change the terms of this agreement at its discretion. Major changes to this agreement will be announced.
Last revised: November 25, 2024